The End of Toys?
Here's a depressing article from Forbes discussing why toys are on their way out. The gist: video games are innovating much faster than toys. My opinion? It's more OK in this culture for adults to play video games than it is for them to play with toys... and adults got the cash. 'Cause I think Japan tells a different story.
Also, I think there are some quality toys coming out. I think Stikfas, and their cousins Xevoz, are quality. Too bad you can hardly find Stikfas anywhere and the Xevoz seem to be on their way out. I also thing the Bandai Gundams are quality, but again they seem to be on their way out. And then you've got the Shockinis coming out, combining the blank slate of the Stickfas with the already-assembled-ness of traditional action figures. And there's also Minimates - small, cartoony versions of your favorite licenced properties and with the same great articulation of all the previously mentioned toys.
And speaking of Minimates... while we were playing a board game at a gaming convention my wife took out her Gandalf the White and had it do yoga poses. Her play inspired another adult at the table to go out and buy a half-dozen LoTR Minimates of her own! Yay toys! :)