
Tama log

My wife has an onion thing and I have a bucktooth thing. I names mine Pine. She is also needy like her mom the ninja (loses happy hearts easily). I'm hoping if I take good care of here she'll grow into something a little more self-sufficient. It's a theory, but not one any psychologist would agree with. :)

A few comments ago someone asked how to get a yound mametchi. Honestly, I have no idea. According to Rivenn's Tamadex it can appear from any type of toddler but only in odd generations (1, 3, 5, etc). Maybe someone one TamaTalk knows?


Tama log

Both of our tamas grew into Gozarutchis (ninjas!). They are harder to take care of. They seem to lose happy hearts quickly and get sick more often.


Tama log 6 - Gen 4

We had twin girls: Rose and Leah. Both grew into Kuribotchi (little chestnut). Then Leah grew into Hinatchi (little duck) and Rose into Young Mimitchi. Rose almost died today as I had the sound off and got totally wrapped up in my work. When I checked on her she had no hearts at all and a big skull hanging over her head. But a little attention and she's all better. Even won 3 rounds of bump!


Tama log 5 - Dating

The matchmaker has been by twice today alreay. Once with the ninja (cool!) and once with the robot (also cool!) but I'm holding out for my wife's tama. Ah, monogamy!


Tama log 4

Hawk grew into an Ichigotchi (little strawberry thing) and then into a Memetchi (big head thing). Eventually the matchmaker came and mated him with a Debatchi (bucktooth thing) and I named the new baby girl Vilet (like Violet but with only 5 letters). She grew into a Young Mametchi and then into a Kaerutchi (little dinosaur thing). Meanwhile, I'm trying to get Vilet and Fred (my wife's gen 3) to become closer if ya know what I mean. ;)