
Tama log 3 - Babies!

Our tams had babies today. Twin boys. I think my wife is naming her's Squishy (I don't know how she'll get that in 5 letters tho). I'm gonna name mine Hawk.


Tama log 2

My wife's boy, Poofy, grew into a Yufochi as well. And we discover they give themselves baths at night. And sometimes they sing (no music, just notes floating over their little heads). What else? I bought a plant for Daisy and it turned into a venus fly trap thingy that growled at her. :( So I bought another for her to give to Poofy and it turned into 900 points! :D Our kids have been giving each other gifts back and forth, trying to become closer friends. And this morning, Daisy became an adult - a Mametchi. I'm so proud! :)


Tama log 1

Just a quick growth chart for y'all. She was born a shiropuchitchi, a little white round blobbby. Then she grew into a hitodetchi, a puffy starfish. At that age she liked to roll around. Cute! This morning she grew into a Yufotchi, which looks like she's floating around in a little ufo.

The wife started with a puchitchi, the baby boy. Then he grew into a hitodetchi, just like mine. She hatched her's about half a day after I did so that's where we're at right now.

More to come!


Walkin' the toy

I managed to set up my pointikis so that it looks like the egg is walking the box. Cute! I really need to get some pictures up.

Oh, and I got me and wife each a Tamagotchi. It's the newest one, the Connection Version 2. I hear you sayin' "But those are so 90's!" But these are new: you can breed them and have kids! Oooooh! So there ya go.


My pontiki

Well, true to form I did buy one about a week ago (an egg). And I just bought another one tonight to keep the first one company (a box with cat eyes). I'm figuring this second one will be the pet of the first one. Y'know, 'cause of the cat eyes and all. Pictures soon maybe.


A movie

This is what I'm talkin' about - filming yourself playing with toys. Good stuff.