
collectables - the drug of toyland

The problem with collecting is, I think, the value is in the chase not the actual object and then once you're done you've spent lots of time and money and now have a pile of something that doesn't bring a lot of meaning or value to your life. I've done pretty well resisting for a while, but I got the bug again. I was in Target looking at what was new in collectable toys. "Why Target?" you ask? I was following the art toy scene for a while, but it's a pricey scene. I spent months considering spending hundreds of dollars on Gorillaz figurines, but held out. Bit by bit tho I acquired a few pieces at reasonable prices, culminating in my awesome wife getting me for my birthday a very limited piece I had my eye on. Isn't that a sweet piece? I love it. I should actually post my whole meager collection up here.

Anyway, with a respectable art toy collection on my shelf I considered that itch sufficiently scratched. That was a few months ago tho and I recently found myself at Target looking at Crazy Bones. Look at 'em. They're like little art toys but much cheaper. So I got a few and now I find myself doing that stalking thing where I'm checking the toy section of whatever store I'm in. This is the pull of desire. According to the Buddha it is the root of all suffering, but damn if I don't feel more alive when in it's grasp.

Maybe you can detect the feelings of guilt in this post. Probably due to all that Buddhism. I feel like I've taken up smoking. On the plus side I don't feel an urge to "collect 'em all" which is good because that is a quick route to spending lots of cash. I need to find a place to display what I've got so far and then we'll see where this newest hobby goes from there.