Planes and Guns
Ok, before we get to planes and guns, I re-read my last post because it was so gosh darn long ago I didn't remember what I had talked about and I was curious. So Crazy Bones. I'm still collecting them. Collecting? I don't know if that's accurate. I'm still buying them. Sometimes I pick one and carry it in my pocket for the day. ALSO you know how in any collection there are good ones and uninteresting ones, right? So I've got a 4 year old who always wants to play (or take) daddy's toys so what I did was cull my collection and give the bones I didn't like to my kid. She's got some decent ones too because really I felt I needed to keep my collection to a reasonable size. ALSO, and here's the shameful part, if we're in the store and she says "Can we buy?" and it's something I want too then I feel less guilty buying it. Cause it's making me happy AND her happy too. :D
Planes and Guns
I recently sold my entire MtG collection and so found myself with some money. I was at my local toy store and they've got R/C planes and... have I talked about my past experience with R/C planes? In short it involved me and my dad and lots of trees and rebuying the same plane, like, four times. I had finally had one (ONE!!!) good flight and then my dad put it in a death spiral and it hit the ground so hard the engine came out the back and at that point we gave up. That was years ago (maybe more than 10 years?) and here I was thinking maybe I'd give it another go. The nice lady at the store directed me away from the plane that needed additional parts to the one that was ready to fly right out of the box (look for the acronym RTF). The store lady said this was the best beginner's plane.
Well let me tell you she was right. I've had this thing up dozens of times, had some real rough landings (got stuck in a tree but got it down) and basically had tons of fun whereas that time 10 years ago was nothing but frustration. Oh! Should mention the actual item: Super Cub LP RTF by Horizon Hobby. This thing just works. It is forgiving enough that you can get some skills without destroying the plane each time. I'm at the point where I'm taking off and landing using my driveway for taxiing! I'm also trying to scope out a bigger field cause really my yard is just a tad small for this.
After wanting this for maybe 2 years I've finally got paintball equipment. But I'm sleepy now so I'll talk all about it next post. :)
Bottom line I'm still playing with toys, finding ways to squeeze in hobby time in between parenting and housekeeping time. Keep playing!